Me Too

I never knew who you were
till I came to sit on this chair
and stared at the embers of my life too

I never understood that fallen frowning face
the growl in your throat after
being so dashing and mustachioed.

You spat your woodbine spit in the fire.
It hissed green. You embroidered, carved, cultivated
you couldn’t care any more, there was only you.

I came to your chair. I stared.
I didn’t care any more
That was
me too






















Some people have tough demanding jobs

Pity though
the saniflo
who came
to fix
my jobby chopping
flushing loo

There was a faraway, slightly numb look
in his stoic, travelled face.
“I cover Scotland West
he said “, on his knees
beside the pan.
“My tests
need expertise
and I’m the only one
bar Jim here….”
I glanced at the younger man..
that rare thing
an apprentice…
a man who would be king.

He was present in his future
alert, unblemished lean…
The king removed the filter
handed it him to clean…
I didn’t see him flinch an inch
which is not the same as me
I reeled from the violent assault
on my tuned olfactory….
and I left to find a clothes peg
then made a cup of tea. 

An apprentice saniflo engineer
is not what I would choose
if the world were still my oyster
as my preferred career
but then its less competitive than most
somehow I imagine so
perhaps you can make a very fast buck
wash your hands of it and go
to the sunlit uplands of general plumbing
or sweet retirement
I don’t know….
I don’t know…

Down at the Fiddlers

for one the other night
they were asking me:
“Does your old Dutch still chew steak knives?”
I said “No, though she’s still a good sword-swallower.
She’s taken to chewing Scotch Eggs
and she spits the gristly bits
on the waxed parquet
which irks me.”
“Irks?”they said
I said “Yes I feel irked sometimes,
because my espadrilles skid
on minced rectal tissue.”
“How are the kids?”
they said by way of passing time
“They’re fine…just fine
just fine…”


























Sunrise in Angus

There was a halo of glistening moisture
around her radiant yet subtly shaded anus, shaded anus.
It was like one of those exquisite dewy sunrises
you sometimes get on the North East coast
usually in early to mid May,
though sometimes as late as June
if there’s been a long hard winter
as I’ve noted during hiking holidays in Angus….

That’s a place of worship and a sanctuary I thought
so I put my tongue in there
and sang
All Things Bright and Beautiful























My lover
wearing nothing but a hat
improvised from palm leaves
and turbanesque in shape
barbecues fresh sea bream
with the grace of a sultana.

She passes nothing but remarks
calls me dickhead, runt, alcoholic
five times a day
under her minaret
but is she sexy?
Oh yes….you bet !

She has the true grit of emery
if you rub against her long enough
you become smooth, French, polished.
A principled uva-pesca-vegetariana sultana
without her my every morning
would be a pig’s breakfast
of Stornoway Black Pudding
and offal, offal.

She’s disapproved, derided
disdained, disputed and disliked
since the day we first met
but do I love her?
Oh yes….you bet!






















One Place Where Everything Ends Up

For that
and his stupefying passion
he was glad gorgeous and grateful
and then came hatred
as sure as darkness
creeps around a planet.

Once while clearing or cleaning
or somesuch
in a voice riven with
a craving for control
She said “It would
be good to have one place
where everything ends up”
Oh wouldn’t it just…….
That place was hatred






















Mary Jane

was plain but plucky
plug ugly but lucky in life and love
a seizer a chancer
when they first invented
the go-go dancer
in a pub called Canny Mans in Morningside
a place where the ladies of Grange
are at home and range, long and grey
rectangular as granite
and sex are bags for putting coal in
such was the elocution there
during the sexual revolution where,
on a giant cakestand
Mary Jane, broad of frame
and game became
half-dressed and gyratory
and the Canny Men of Edinburgh
a little masturbatory

Outside a Giant Poodle sniffed and quietly led its
mistress back to the conservatory






















At Last to Have Time for Flossing!

I’m hard-bitten
and long in the tooth
though plaque
has taken its toll
For 60 years
I was unhygienic
but now
I’m on a roll

Back then
at night no time…no time…too eager for love
next morning…too keen on the day
but now
I could floss for Scotland
once I’ve had my cheese souffle,
malay satay, congee, pate, steak flambe, cassoulet,
onion soup gratinee , chicken liver parfait
with sauce veloute then sweet cafe au lait
and my wickedest way
with Eve’s Pudding






















Name’s Conda

….Anna Conda she said
wearing nothing but a florid feather boa
and a face like fizz






















Making Love in a Wa Na Na Burial Ground

the tribe left years ago
while their crops still fruited
and Umberto the gold prospector
slipped away squalidly
to some other piece of fortune
and whoever happened to be around
dug him into a damp
hallowed malarial mound….

Umberto never found
much gold
and the Wa-na-na nation
moved downriver, got tee-shirts and flu
and died out

but you and I came, pale, protected
in jungle boots and close-weave khaki
and moist with a lust grown faraway
and we brought it here
and we were so hot together
we didn’t even need to undress
to make a happy ending

































In this Corner

we placed our bed
30 yrs ago
we put items round it
the accessories of love
creams, cucumbers, eggwhisks and spoons,
silk ropes, diaphanous dreams
pornography and hope
and we set to it with gusto

sometimes you would leap into the air screaming
sometimes I would shake the walls with my cries
often we would wonder if the neighbours were disturbed
even though there were none until the next valley

Many summers followed in showers of birdsong
the windows wide as our legs so the sweet weather could enter us.
In winters the low warm lights caressed our thighs…
we crackled with frosts, thawed in the inner folds of our bodies,
chafed and scratched each other red with use,
stained and ruined ourselves.
The world was a tired sensual morning
dragging itself from us ….the hot deep mud of desire.

One year we moved the bed to a different room
The joy of a change. The joy of settlement.
You gave a shriek of indignant womanhood…
and left in hormonal terror

I moved the bed again
to a room that felt less lonely
but it didn’t work
the nights just rained constantly
the mornings grey with aftermath.
Other women came to try
this new position
but they got backache
or contracted fear
or they met your ghost
on the way to the bathroom

I became a prisoner here
chalking the months on the bedpost,
the touch of others irrelevant
the hope a curse

and when you came back
the jailers unlocked the iron gates
to let you in
sniggering obscenely
amongst themselves.























All Night on her Hilltop

in the far east of the bed
she chuckled by lamplight
over unheard comedies
her haunches were mountains of milk
around wells of honey
and his dreams
were biblical























If you take the B4016997
it’ll wind up over the hill
and on to heaven

but if you’re in a hurry
to get somewhere fast
turn right and the M1
will take you past
everything else at speed

heaven isn’t guaranteed






















Wigwam Women

Think I’ll go see the Wigwam Women
they feel what I feel,
covering ground on purple evenings
when there’s a mist

I kayaked the love affair rapids
and out on the lake of forgotten pain
made camp on happenstance island
then came back again.
At the inconvenience store
I couldn’t get ammo, beans or meal
now I need to see the Wigwam Women
need to heal.

If I rode out now past the empty claims
and fossils and rusting bogeys upturned
to the wildfire free valley
where no boats are ever burned
where the hunting’s still good
and the gathering is real
I’d see the Wigwam Women
They feel what I feel
They feel what I feel























I fancy
you have a farcy bud
a lymphatic inflammation
larded with psychic torment
breaking out on your rump
or testicle or elbow?

You come to me now though,
farded with slippery grease paint
as if I might save your clown
and drown the real soul
in a modernist swamp of expediency,
the unbroken surface
becoming the substance
of the clotted mire below

if your clown simulation
your tearful pranks
garner a few francs in the bank
and popularity for your symptoms
of glandular aggravation
one day the clowns
will rule this nation

we are regarded here as retarded
unless we turn out well farded






















City and Guilds qualified Dog Groomer

I know one end of a dog
from the other.
I want respect for it
























After having her shoulders muzzled
and her perfect perineum licked slickly
Perry kneed him in the goolies
with a rapier choice of stressed words
and departed for another party.

Perry had been a frothy drink all his life,
she was a special mixer, bubbly, indefinable,
relishing her intoxicating effect
she split herself with brandy on him
amused by the way he wilted when she spilt on him
and swelled when she came back on him,
then she washed his ego down his hatch,
it was just no match
for her wet, smile-shielded treachery,
unimpeachable because of its spontaneity.

Dont bring peaches or brandy into it, he would irritatingly intone.
Perry was quite enough for him on her own.

She knew her zingy femme fatale attractions
and never showed her fatal femme infirmities
Some said she had lost a part of herself
but she didn’t care for vulnerability
no rounding or reuniting for Perry
She was very very very
in control of her relations.

She buzzed and tripped through organs, veins and social situations
dished out sore heads, raised libidos
rash impetuosities, bizarre imagination
rendered him to blubber
with her gaiety and flavour,
privileging him
reminding him
of her generous favour……..
not everyone got Perry…….
he should show appreciation.

Then one day he woke up, parched,
sucked at the perineum and found just flat dregs,
tongued smears of a dehydrated stickiness
on the bottom of her fluted glass life.

Perry had run out, empty.
The froth had regressed
to a dirty scum laced with lipstick pink
on the brink of her brim,
and she hadn’t yet exhausted him.

He then acquired a thirst for other drink,
discovered Kir, with vintage Veuve Cliquot,
left Perry,
an empty bottle beside the sink.




















Overgrown Elephant

I’m an overgrown elephant
a pumped up pachyderm.
long of tooth and cold of bone
In short
I’m dead.

Around my skull bugles of convolvulus twine,
become my myriad violet eyes in the rainy season,
mass up the vertebrae of
my deadwhite spine in the heat of summer.
That’s when tendrils fill out the deadwood staged
contents of my theatrically  mammoth brain,
that powerhouse of sagacity spilled out
and dried over the suncooked aeons,
skeletal remnants
fastforwarding fossils
of elephants in softpadded
fuckme high heels.

My trunk’s cartilaginous tissue
I prefer to see  dissolved rather than deceased
and still trumpeting and squirting and romping
in the salt-licks of our ancestors.

I died…but
my children still play at sunset in the dust
and when they sawed off my tusks
I decided to remain here forever.

I remain in some magnitude
and everything I have is  the biggest on the planet
including my memory…….




















Outstayed Welcome

I stayed longer
than driftwood should plan
outside the subway station
we embraced on day-glo grass
knowing the earth we’d worked
was now shapeless sand
I bobbed down the escalator,
a squall blew me through a train door,
a wave washed me down a tunnel,
away from land






















On Her Greek Island

with the purple moon
around her shining thighs
and young men
with unspoiled teeth
bringing fruit and fish

on her Greek Island
children playing
as she talks to plastic
the earpiece gibbering
my voice failing to deal with
this electronic place
where blood doesn’t pump
lungs dont breathe
bodies dont bleed

on her Greek Island
hanging up the phone
making for the night alone
me grabbing at the wire,
chewing, trying to suck her
out of it again
breathing with difficulty again.

There is no purple moon here.
There’s a muddy drizzle
at the dull window.


















Off His Legs

They brought me a blanket
a blanket of deep snow
for I have come to this place
where we all must go
when we’re old
and no, it s not romantic,
comfortable or warm
its cold….
























Men stood standing,
pacing, stood up men
dressed to the nineteens
and to the dozen,
sheets  of raining
cats, dogs, stair rods
pelting their grim grey skins.

Are they waterproof
these unsinkable
but leaden ones?
Do they have
the backs of ducks?
Are they buoyant
these spindly boys in the Odeon ocean?
Their selves seem so thin,
their eyes and me’s so porous!
Will their bones self-inflate
or is this the unthinkable
male dissolution in the undrinkable
sickness of motion

Picture this,
one boy’s girl shows up,
the Odeon organ swells,
Titanic goes down,
with the pair’s approval,
then there’s the wet kiss
and the removal
of her damp dress

and the rain is gone,
gone with the wind
back to the carpark
with all the rest.























This is not the breadbasket
nor the orchard
of our country
this is the smelter

we are spread here
smeared over snowfields
like sump-oil,
slid inside animal skins for warmth
valenki boots for transport
to the motherland’s lode
where we melt stones each day
to feed her.

You’ll notice, as visitors
that we scurry with purpose
and little choice
for its cold
and has always been that way

you see
we were taught smelting
as infants
stoked adolescent furnaces
as we played with ourselves
and swelled our own value
to the common as muck good.
We are the biggest.

there is no smelter
in the world
can match ores,
nickel, red earth
low life span,
high products and stacks of them
coughing their own clouds
in climatic dumplings
just airborne enough
to clog a low sun

Here we have poisoned trees
in the tundra
taproots of icicled black plants
our grandfathers, the great ones sowed
forming a blocked, steaming city
not a little unlike your
New York New York

Norilisk Norilisk
we wheeze to ourselves
through furry lungs
as we vie , a quiet smelting people
for streetstall fish caught
in sick coloured waters.
(our giant freezer
keeps them stiff as spears)

Leisure, you ask?
Well the men have huge fox hats
and are well endowed with patience
the women wide hips and great gashes
of splashed carmine lipstick
you can see coming for many blocks
in this monochrome city.

In summer we fish or fuck
and in winter there’s no fishing.

























My mother was a high liver
and giver of herself in conversation

My liver’s wasted
and I’m still looking for myself
so that I can be generous with it
to the next generation






















Late Entrant

The annual Long Hair-Mustache-and-Beard competition
at Chaps Sports Bar and Niteclub
in Alamogordo, New Mexico
is tough.
Hirsute and rough.

I am fair and hairless
not hairy and fearless.
Contest of any kind
makes me weak at the knees
and European all over.
My purpose is submission, passivity
not pumping my fists at the results of competitions
though others, all of whom are experts,
tell me anything is possible
with focus, love and a statement of mission.

On the way there are the usual telltale signs:
adult toys… buy it for him…
queen bed…come in and try us…
and Arby’s for a bargain hotdog.
I have a number of conservative cosmopolitan thoughts
before arriving, white, bald, shining at this craziness
and think what the Hell
what about
everyone else shouts about,
lets just do it for the sake of that
and though its not my natural habitat
I have a sudden lapse of laziness.

I enter

Mustang Sally is ahead by a follicle
she’s groomed herself for success,
second comes a chimpanzee called Van Cleef
then comes The Mexican,
and then low and behairy to behold
a forest starts to grow around my nipples
over my face and body,
coarse sprouts creak beneath my nostrils
a luxuriant gaucho comes fourth
along with a Willie Nelson
and a Moses down to my toeses !
I have believed, I have bullied fate
and I am almost a miracle winner
though I entered late.

My prize is a crate of bananas.

That night I try the queen bed
with a fat chicken called Anal Emma, The Posterior.
Next day I shave hurriedly
having found a melanoma on my boxcar willy
and archived the whole hairy chili
behind a pale and ever more interesting




































Last Semester

We had a frog fatality last semester
swollen, turned pink in the flanks,
it defiled the paving slabs,
and the office staff walked round it
complaining of the flytracked cadaver
so adjacent to desk and chilled water dispenser.
I tossed the carcass into a rosebed to rot.

Then a toad was found dead giving birth,
bigger, browner, broader,
with a blob of  babyjelly
rending its body too widely.
It had slumped its functional last
half in, half out of the pond slime,
bumping the toad mortality statistic
exciting the monitors
and threatening an uncertain sense of control
in central admin.

Next, around Easter, a drowned hedgehog
in the shallows, duckweed
garlanding its spines like
it was Christmas.
We biology freshmen and women
pictured it getting into trouble at dusk
struggling all night so near
the help it needed,
wishing haplessly
it had been born an amphibian,
then green-matted and cold by early dawn.

The children held a funeral in Sunday best
while the seniors’ databases whirred up again
the profit and loss was solemnly adjusted
the science of it all applied and assessed
and the junior staff in smooth skirts and snappy suits
gossiped of lifestyle alterations
demographic considerations
and extra-curricular vitae
with the allumni.






















wet twat
in a shell
come quick
come slow
in thick hot breath
a death takes place below
and in the lush gush of seed
a sweet resurrection
in the afterglow
























For a start Keith Barlow was English
secondly he was alcoholic
third but not least
he rented a cottage in Cramond
with a garage
full of the inessential
with potential.
He was also a heavy smoker.

One bright morning I found him fuming.
“Someones put a brick through the windscreen
of my hovercraft!”
he cried indignantly
pointing to some shattered glass
beside a lump covered with dusty tarpaulin.
“Your hovercraft, Keith?”, I quizzed cautiously
knowing I was dealing with an aviator,
raconteur, bonviveur,  regisseur
of son et lumiere, and dealeur in drugs.

He had thick glasses
curly hair
a lumpy body
and I noticed
a half bottle
sticking out of his
He was very pleased to see me
and assured me
suggestively that his hovercraft
was a fully functional 2 seater
and he’d hover me over the Firth
later on
but in the meantime he wanted to find
the bastard with the brick
and ram it up his jaxi sideways.

Keith had a way
with words and bricks.
Nothing appealed less
than the attentions of Keith
later on
in a 2 seater hovercraft
on the Firth of Forth
in April
so I said “Must shoot the crow”
blew its brains out
and caught the bus to Edinburgh.

In The Athens of the North
I was hired
to do a bit of this and that
in Stavanger, Norway.
It was a real
Fokker Friendship of a flight,
cheap but unfriendly,
and lager prices in Norway
leave you poor
rather than sober.
When I got to my hotel room
I found a sailor
quite obviously poorer than me
pissing in my ensuite
and entirely missing the suite.
It was not a sweet sight, nor smell
for he’d been eating asparagus
with a light dill dressing.
He liked the idea of me undressing
and tried to make love to me
but missed.
I was barely able to overcome
my nausea when he breathed.

“How the Hell did you get in here?”
I shouted in fluent English
“Through the door”, he said, quietly
as if it was a major heist.
Seemed reasonable at least
and I’m not a confrontational type
(never have been)
so I somehow just coaxed him out
the same way
and  slept alone that night
clutching a swollen bladder
clenching my bowels
holding down vomit
and fantasising
about hovering in April
with Keith.

Next day
I took my smelly belly
off to New Delhi
where the first trick
at Connaught  Place
is to work in teams
and throw shite
over fresh white canvas shoes
and chinos
as you wander out fearfully
from your hotel,
a little lagged and shagged
(well not literally yet).
One small operator
flung wet dung
from a shadow
the other met me
at the top of the underpass
and said
“Oh shite sahib!
What’s that pile of shengie
on your spats?
That didn’t come from your underpants
here let me clean it.
That’ll be five million rupees sahib.
cheap at the price
and dont tell me you wont pay
because this poor third world kid
has just wiped the shite
off  your
shoes! ”

Guilt and anguish.

Oh Keith, you’re beginning
to seem quite romantic.

I stared at my eternally packed holdall
It was full of rubbish
and faded keks from the dhobiwallah.
Not even a photo anymore
Not even a dog-eared
stained with semen
or old tears.
Just a few formal faxes
and a paper
on something professional.

I was contemplating the desert
loneliness of phoneliness
when I got a GSM call
on the digital mobile
contact yippee
I am connected
to others
and will now
go to
where 400 Russians
with Rasputin beards
play chess
and wage a cold war
which isn’t over yet.

“Take a double thinsulate-lined
fleece, a 16-tog duvet suit,
and a pair of feltlined Mukluk
Canadian Kodiak-trapper’s boots”
advised a short-skirted blonde
in Kensington.
I could tell she was blonde
and short skirted
from her accent.
I strode to the thick sweating plastic curtains
at my hotel window
and gazed out at a heat-hazed ants nest
of light saris and T shirts
with damp patches between
the shoulderblades.

Best go by The Karakorams,
I concluded.

It seemed a very
Keithian concept.

24 hours later, bus-lagged
and flatulent from a diet
of green slime and chapatis
with black fingerprints
I gazed at the endless white flanks
of Nanga Parbat,
wondered why anyone would attempt
climbing it
mused on the frozen mens’ bodies
scattered there
and bought myself
something warm
to wear.

Good to have money, I thought
looking at thin men in rags
working the dirt street,
though they all
seemed to smile
more than I do.

Antarctica by Mozambique.
In Mozambique
the shops are all empty
the roads all cracked,
and they blow up anyone
The uniformed men
took photos
and made me official
for a day.
We spoke of the war
then drifted apart
in uneasy peace…….

We landed on ice.
Fur-hatted flatfooted sturdy men
closed in like a herd of Yetis
and bundled us
into iron blue tanks.
dissident leading mountaineer
in the former regime,
narrowly escaped the Gulag
sent instead here
with his survival skills
and his smattering of English
was my guide.

He showed me the ropes
which connected every hut
in case of bad weather,
the tannoy warning system:
“Do not open the door!”,
the place they tested small but noisy
rockets for no apparent reason,
(Vasily didn’t know anyway,)
the crude skis he’d fashioned in the workshop
rebel that he is, for funtimes
while everyone else
reads Dostoyevsky
or pores over maps and cyphers.
He had become a Grand Master
of self-indulgence.

Once he took me to the sea ice
where machines cut square holes
right through to the slushy turquoise
mystery beneath.
There was nothing down there on the bottom
but unknown white organisms
in the glacial dark.
had a very long willy
I discovered when he stripped off
and dived in for a swim,
then did 15 laps of the site
dressed only in his glasses
his beard tossed up rakishly
his appendage undiminished
where others might have shrunk.

Then drunk at night,
on home-made vodka
I’d attempt Cossack dances
in the hospital kitchen.
My bed was a sick bed
my friends were doctors.
Nice to meet people
who liked to talk,
discuss each other’s music,
compare firearms……
I was out of practice at this.

But the high point
was the bathhouse.
Set apart in the permafrost
This was the social centre
where men could unwind
by stripping and donning
black felt pixie caps
then thrashing each other
in gross heat with oak twigs
imported from the Caucasus.
They’d tried African Eucalyptus
but somehow it wasn’t the same.
After a good parboiling and lacerating
we would throw buckets
of icy water over each other
and emerge gasping
and immeasurably enriched
more purposeful
than before.
Vasily would grin
like a patriot.
I called him Vaseline
for he lubricated
my sense
of myself.

Next an experimental TV installation
on the west coast of Ireland
based on the themes of tidal ebb, flow ,
springs, neaps, potatoes,
faith in hide coracles,
elemental excess, effluent discharge
and the re-written predilections
and pre-written re-directions
of my Performance Artist girlfriend.
She personally presented this piece,
and unnaccustomed as she was
to multiple coupling
the waves nevertheless began
to crash for her
and the surf got up
for a number of Celtic Gods
with camcorders.

The sounds of her moaning depths
these Neptune studs
and aided their trident ministrations
to her gaping mouth
and her awesomely
pudd ended
round at the back
with a creamy sheen
of climbing climaxes
and orgasms
rapid and hot, long
and well hung
in the coming.

She would probably claim to be
unnaffected by the experience
but the waves left indelible stains
on her memories
of monogamy.

I confess to a certain titillation
as well as the agony
of jealousy
and the dream of harmony
and loyalty and love.
Certainly seeing in her
her inner pubic
and public pleasure by proxy
was just a touch better
than a slap in the face
with a wet ungutted mackerel
though that in itself
has its primaeval

but it was only a video
I saw after all,
only a box of photoelectric
crawling into the living rooms
of artistic people
around the land.
It wasn’t really
her there bent in luscious
receiving all those others
and not me.
just a bunch
of high voltage pixels
enjoyed with a glass of spirit.

Speaking of spirit
I remember a group
of raddled
and monumentally damaged humans
in a hotel room spontaneously
and combustively Hellbent
and intent
on getting out of it,
the Hell they were in, that is,
by breathing smoke
and drinking
flammable liquids.
As an ad hoc
stress management centre
I sat on the rug
(biding my time
and drinking wine)
and heard everyone’s account
of their divorces and severances….
all these messy businesses
that were none the tidier
for the telling
and accompanied
by a grim determination.
to get out of your face
and reach some other place
reminiscent of Keith.

I hitched back from the edge
of the old world
through Spanish villages
sleeping in time
whilst all their youth
buzzed out of town on
A tough leathery girl
had me penetrate her
in a space and time
above the 12th century
watched by her little brother
who seemed used to it.
(I think he had been there
for ages).

It was so romantic
just getting my rocks off.

Then in kilts heading for the border
I met The Guardia Civil.
Franco’s darlings
who wanted to censor my knees.
Pistols were cocked
as they made me
change into trousers,
betraying my nation
of lions rampant
and immediately missing
that erotic airy freedom
and my natural popularity
with male drivers.
but what the Hell!
We compromise or die
in the Guernica of our souls,
though Keith would not have been so pragmatic.

Diverting on Monday
to The North Pole
a smooth guy in a red tuxedo
who looked a bit like Sean Connery
but was much older
said “My name’s Claus
Santa Claus”.
Flabbergasted I was
(in a quiet British way)
when he said
he was lonely and mixed up
and possibly a homosexual
on the verge of coming out.
I said “Oh no, you poor thing!”
as I took his manfully sobbing
frame into my arms
and made little rabbit kisses
on his considerable bald patch
as if to say
“there, there”
whatever that means,
but then I never said it.

What I did say was
“Here right now I’m off
to honour my offer
to my ex-wife
of the holiday
of a lifetime
on an exotic Eastern island
with the man
of all her erstwhile

In Penang I met her
and we swam in warm watery mud
with dead fish floating
between our legs.
She waded ashore,
the brown sunlit rivulets
dropping from her
tanned thighs.
I watched her with a trembling love
and wondered why she was there.
Some kind of habit
some programmed sense of duty
or a free airfare?
I found myself surrounded
by giant otters
with bad teeth
who looked like they
needed fresh meat.
I felt like a leg of mutton
in the guise of a live Red Mullet.
There was a sense of edibility
a certain thrill about the inevitability
of dying as a meal for others
and saliva started rising
in my terrified gullet
but I knew there was no future
in this line of perversity.

I was trained to value a future
so I struck out crawling
and breaststroking
towards the shore.
and through the rainbows
I made with my arms
I could see her stretching
her gleaming limbs in the sun
then leaving.

She flew away
and I never saw her again
nor the children
she had made with me.

I escaped. I can say
with just a hint of regret
I was neither raped
nor eaten by otters
and was called to Mexico
from whence doth come
the man-eating Chihuahua.
I met a young woman on a bus
who said she was a dancer.

She was much better looking than Keith.

I sat beside her for 18 hours
nervously clutching my wallet
and getting a stronger grasp
of my ego
as she raised each one of my charms
for discussion and stimulation.
When it got dark she layed her head
on me and slept a while,
then she woke, kissed my stomach
and laid her head on my lap
unzipping me expertly
and simultaneously
and then her mouth was around me
like a womb
and I thought
of my children
born and unborn
and I timed my releases
to the street lights
passing the coachwork
as we entered the hot
and not very pretty city
of Chihuahua.

We said goodbye
at the saddest
bus station in the world
exchanged addresses
and I found a bad hotel
amongst the traffic.
I phoned her many times,
her mother’s number
in the long noisy night
but she never answered
never came to me
never touched me again
though she never touched
my wallet either
which seems remarkable
in a way………

I was tired
after that.
Burned out.
It turned out
I wasn’t needed
any more.
It had been good
to be needed.

I got the plane East again,
over independent
Vera Cruz and Yucatan
leaving my seed
in the throat of a Mexican
on a bus.

I got home and opened the mail
(it was mainly offers of money
for nothing
or ways of spending it,
or pleas from The Royal Society
for the Protection of Chihuahuas.
Nothing handwritten
Nothing with a stamp.)

So I slipped into
a nice cold black latex minidress
tied my big toe to the bed with catgut
stretched my nipples wide apart
with crocodile clips
and an elaborate system
of springloaded pulleys
till the pain was unbearable
suspended a block over my tackle
and got down to some
simple wholesome fun.

I had the time of my life

Keith, bless him, has probably found
another co-pilot by now,
gone hovering on the Forth
or drystone dyking
with his dyke husband.

I kind of miss him though.






































Jocks Abroad

I am not the only mad dog
on this road at noon
there are others
and some of them
are English






















Jock in Totteridge

Ah’m having a terrible time
in half-timbered Totteridge
first the kettle cowps
its defurring chemicals
gobbing white sludge in ma tea
thus giving me furry cramps
in the solar plexus
and then ma sexus
is taken out by the teapot
tipping a ton of hot Tetleys
doon ma front
before it wis brewed
due to the new glue
in the china blue
not resisting
boiling water

OK there were warning signs in both cases
but they were written in
bloody English.


















Jock in Earls Court

And of all the ingredients
in this cocktail
the Earls Court
girls court favour
with they’re long tanned legs, vanilla flavour
but tempered by an independent frown
or a tough smile that says “Come on talk
but dont you get too close to me
unless your accommodation’s cheap or free.”

Under their baseball hats,
their healthy backs are packed
with Antipodean practicality,
honed in the sun,
the English boys run scared
but the Arabs
seem to have a simpler
form of fun

and the Jock stocks booze
in a stained room
his legs are white and thin
his courage swells
spills out over muzzled city sounds
as his sense of humour
wins him clarity
here in polyglot
hunting grounds

transients, transexuals,
transports going up and down
trains crossed with  buses lorries and bikes
pizza expresses spud-u-likes
KFCs , dispensers,
sprites and pepsis, styrofoam,
the coke of the to and the fro
pours into young platelets
nurtures red corpuscles
driving hard muscles
of internal, arterial contraflow

Only the drunk stand’s still
gazes with bewilderment
at the way the cars go
catches himself edging into a spin
totters on his thin binsearch legs
and begs for twenty pee
was that a Scottish accent drifting
on the wind?

travellers and tramps
the butch, the camp
shaved men hanging from chains,
one ogled by an ageing cross-dresser
turns out to be a chemistry professor
attending the mind-bending
Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Worldwide Symposium,
major event of the drug-peddling year
must talk by day with large Dutch men
in name-tags and suits
with secret thoughts of licking their boots
give them sophistication, courage to thrust
in the marketplace
each year he hopes and prays and waits
to be selected as a delegate,
gets away from struggle and strife
to have one week of a secret life

In bedsitland, the young without baggage
drag huge portmanteaux down the stair
so much to take to God knows where
whilst not far away
they do a show right there
a college of scaffold erection
puts on an impromptu exhibition
brown grinning tattooed youths
strip to the waist
toss poles like cabers to each other
spin six-gun scaffold keys
they love display, love to please
the broad tanned girls with rucsac straps
who must pause and adjust them
steal sideways glances
at the choreographed dances
and routines of socket-spanner lust.
The erectors enjoy their truck
the way it blocks one lane
and the shaven-headed men
are there again
with upturned eyes
and lascivious smirk
passing the work
on their way to the clinic
yes sex is dangerous,
sex kills
the same as those multi-coloured pills
they’re selling over in the hall.
but sell them they will
and thats all.

The Jock’s got his confidence
up and running
on whisky and beer,
speaks, says
“I’m definitely here”
but speaks so fast
he almost doesn’t
follow himself





















Jock in Brixton

cool black dude
on the wall
nice and friendly
not English
like the rest of London
this evening

off the wall man
with too much in his bag
waved in like an orphan

sits down touches fists
I’m a real relaxed guy
relaxed as a newt
he’s got the street
and something in his boot
a wife who smokes
but she’s not black
not from Barbados…
he’s just back

flashes a quarter
strangely shiny
I think
maybe its
the drink

he fumbles with
my trouser leg
(doesn’t seem like a mason)
then straight in
and facing me
socks it to me
only 20
none of your 35
how can
they charge that
good stuff too
nice to stop and chat
and plenty more
behind his wife’s

I grin
this is someone to grin at
I want to trust
this is a bargain
a cultural must
I take a 20 from my wallet
clasp fists on it
chuckle the chuckle of the smug
and go my way
thanks to him
I’ve made a score
done it with no plan
cool man
went with the flow
heart open
to a bit of blow
on the street
a secret only he and I know
my ankle
a new epicentre
for the universe

After an appropriate time
I reach down
and things get
infinitely worse
I find
a piece of
from the
black coal
of my new
night friend

It rankles
then I grin




















In this bar
at this time
there are 9 men
watching Bulgaria versus Spain
and holding forth,
one blonde woman
reading a German paper
with a smirk on her face,
one pierced and painted woman
smoking a cigarette
and staring at her knees
and one pale woman in black
sweeping round and round
with a feather duster
muttering private curses
in 12 different languages
















In Conversation

I didn’t cross
or even modify you much
I only asked for a little clarity
in the gift of speech you gave to me

but this language turned into a monster
it gnawed the entrails of what had been
the simple belly attraction of two animals
needing warmth

it made us forget
where we came from























Ice Cream

The normal well brought up small person
and the enormous polar bear
both love ice cream alot
but the polar bear’s not
inclined to be kind and share

For his dinner the polar bear feeds
on the seal and the fox
roaming free in the frisky wastes
but when nights are cold
which is often I’m told
a human or two suits his taste

If some men with sledges go past very fast
balaclavas concealing their jaws
they’re explorers with goals
on their way to the poles
but the bear cant imagine what for

He’s known to break the speed limit
when he runs after something to eat
theres no highway code
or rules of the road
when he sniffs an unusual treat

He’ll rub his big tum
chuckling “This should be fun!”
and he’ll follow them over the ice floes
he’s bigger than Pooh and much bigger than you
It still might be worth being nice though

If he stands in your way, dont argue just say
that you’re lost and you bear him no malice
then point to the sky to distract his keen eye
yelling “Wow! theres Aurora Borealis!”

Or say Hey Mr. Bear what a fine head of hair,
and what strong shapely knees you possess, sir!
If he swings out his paw, drop fast to the floor
If he asks you to leave just say Yes, sir!

And if he wants ice cream, dont argue dont fight
I’d suggest nuclear war might be safer
for the polar bear might eat it up in one bite
and yourself as well as the wafer




















I Know the Man

who makes your speakers buzz
I know his bratpack magnetism, his fields, his coils
the way the home stereo explodes when he comes to drink
He’s the quiet one, only speaks when he’s thought
of something to say but he busts woofers and tweeters.
The mobile phones emit smoke when he’s in the vicinity.
Once he put his head in the bass unit
at a Who concert. Who you ask?
Yes he’s been on the run for years breaking speakers.
He can’t help it. Well, they were just finishing
“My Generation” when the whole system went mute.
The 8 foot roadies went mad. The crowd needed blood.
Blood came from his ears.
Each time the TV goes on he faints or the TV dies.
He leaves a trail of feedback and bass hum behind him.
Each time the telephone rings the earpiece melts in his head,
Molten plastic drools over the desk-edge.
He is not friendly to The Ministry of Sound for they hunt him.
Bins everywhere retire scarred, skulking,
Decibels rot him
He’s terminal.
He’s a terminator
He’s a terrorist.
He’s a friend of mine

















I am Sleepless Here

The bell strikes every time
a quarter-hour of night has gone
there have been two rain showers
and three times a milky moon
broke through soft cloud
like a highwayman
tapping my window-pane.
A woman shouted in a grey yard,
four lorries pulled their loads away,
setting their diesels
for another part of the country
and once, at  four forty-eight, I dozed
then twitched awake again
I wasn’t with you.























Hula Hoop

What happens to the tree snagged hula-hoops of the world?

They hang in the oaks of North London,
a strange retrogressive fruit,
ripened and abandoned,
now dismally drying on the branch
after a long winter
and barely pink- tinged
where once they were
pillar-box red.

They are more common than the acorn
or even the blown black binbag.
Modern hula- hoops (plastic not ply)
seem to be better at hanging on trees
than perpetually arcing
around the abdomen.

The hoop on the tree next door has slid to a lower branch
since I was here in January
but its still a long way from earth.
Did  a  bunch of  dark skinned schoolgirls
with  shining eyes and a fondness for apples
throw it up in the summer,
squealing and peeling with laughter
when it disobeyed Newtonian Physics?

That tedious and deeply unpleasant man
hadn’t considered the tall oaks of Totteridge and Whetstone had he?
(probably never travelled to the end of The Northern Line, hence his
blinkered vision)

All you ample brown old-girls,
petalled girls with the grins of Gauguin,
all deflowered and conjoined
and living in The South Sea Islands
or High Barnet now,
are you still gyrating somewhere in the playgrounds
or the gardens
of your memories?

What waists!























A floating home to Laurens
who  kibbles  wheat and fries eggs,
who shakes beer with his Gado-Gado
and who never mended the  balustrade.

When the houseboat began to sink
he moved to a brighter mooring.
Ducks took over. Dock leaves, alder,
a tree of unclear parentage began to root
in the moist low timbers.
Soon what with wire worm, timberlice
and the wet substrata, a Crannog
or floating island was formed
and it became a chicken run.

The ivory roots descended cloudy to bottom
latched into silt. The tree strove above.
The flag was removed. Registration cancelled.
Vessel Licence became meaningless.
The narrow gangway became crisp debris,
feeding seed became dangerously exciting.
Brothels flourished around it
Ducks became quick, celebrated like
fruit salad.

Streetsweepers came to cleanse there
but they never touched it.
Enough dirt to deal with already.

It was a nonstop show now
men fought in delirium
women opened their bodies
businessmen opened museums
the place sold itself around
this soft regressive relic.

Waterways Maintenance Division
had only to trim the weed vines stiffly
and marvel at the strengthening rootstructure
like some amazonian mangrove
left to do its surviving.

Laurens made espresso, smoked,
and talked late with friends.

















Hold-it Harriet

Wet and naked
I opened the shower door
and found a woman
sitting on the toilet
next to me
holding a camera

“Hello” I said
“Who are you?”

“Harriet” she said
“now hold it there…”
She clicked flashed and urinated.

“Dont worry. I only came to check
that you have hygenic habits.
Later our relationship
might extend further”

With that she flushed the WC
washed her hands
and flew out of
the window.

“Nice of you to drop in”
I waved
then swatted a bluebottle
buzzing round
the cistern


















I’ve got powdery mildew on my hedera
I’m gonny have to take to my bedera
If not I might well end up deadera
than a plate
of well-grilled kippers

Houseplant care is a full-time game you know
thats why I stopped driving in the fast lane you know.
I’ve got sore feet too. They’re a bit of a pain you know
so I’ve started wearing

















Happendon Again

I know this place
this is where we stopped driving South,
you driving
me round the bend
and down to The Services
I ate a cold sausage roll in 10 seconds
(though I’m a Vegetarian)
then chewed the wing mirror….
it tasted of diesel fumes
and took my last molar
(nasty reflective unconsoler),
unforgiven I broke the windscreen
with my  proletarian fists.

Like the Unions now
I’m outdated,
I’ve lost my teeth and have a softer kiss
guess that’s what happens when we get























People in graves
shouldn’t throw stones aside.
They should be thankful they’ve
found a place for themselves
to be home at last
from the fields they loved
till the day breaks
for loyal husbands,
good wives and mothers
and various others.

They shouldn’t try to burrow next door
for conspiratorial meetings,
they shouldn’t try to claw the nice wood
even if its rotten
just so’s they can come up for air and light.
They should stay there with their plastic flowers
in the never-ending night
Or else they just
cause confusion:

Is that child mine?
The proof has died.
Did she know that he was hers
or is there more to it than meets
the familial eye ?
That familiar grin
when her legs are open wide
did she inherit that
when her stepmother died
or did it come from her so-called uncle’s
bit on the side?

We put
people in graves
under a pedestal.
They should stay there.



















In this new climate, pears in port wine
cannot be accepted at tea time.
For years Stalin’s shadow tyrannised his meals..
what the belly rejects the heart feels
and stores in its own disordered archive,
waits for another regime to arrive,
and hopes it will be better.

But these were such little, domestic affairs..
He’d never actually said:”I dont want pears”,
and the port’s one of history’s non-events…..
except the heart stores each tiny pretence…
defers it till the masses alter the state,
then he stands up and says “I hate
what everybody loves”

Why should he pretend anything any longer?
Yet we do! Revolutions make us tougher and stronger,
but fresh tea-time tyrannies arise..
Dictators, benevolent or otherwise
alter the diet, and alter the lies
we tell one another.

Sandino salsas limp over the graves
of laughing Afghans. What his heart craves
his fist smashes, creates the loss he fears.
The heart’s archive collects its debts in arrears.

Afterwards, new lovers reach and draw each other near,
anticipating breakfast.




















you’re all sharp and jaggy
and twitchy and itchy
and glitchy
and a little bit bitchy

try to think of yourself
as a melocoton of spheres and curves
ellipses, ripe fruits
convexes bangles
of soft fabric
not those isosceles triangles
or the trapezia and hypotenuse
of the Pythagorean school
calculated with a sliding

they’re not all out to get you
you know
not all points and peaks
and sharp bits to watch out for
not even the weather is after you
only me
and I have
but a small soft and round
vested interest.




















Freelance Windows

it said on a passing van as I drove to the airport
wondering what everybody does
and why they’re on the freeway
and how it all welds into some kind
of economic system.

Freelance windows is
transparently a front for something else,
behind and within
and hidden only
by thin dazzling optical deflections
of the wheeliebins and clear azure sky

It’s a Chinese laundering operation probably,
some four-eyed yellow-skin Triad mobster
grinding his sin
in a mortar.

After all who’d seriously want
to freelance
as a rectangle of glass?
such a fragile existence
a subsistence
of clear views,
the only physical gratification
being the bi-monthly application
of a rubber squeegee,
or a young fat finger scrawling
Clean Me!
or else its just a shower
of maladjusted needy raindrops.
The French have windows
with outside
for  those sort always end up
in the gutter.
(Certain French people have windows
side shutters
It depends on what opens your curtains
the French mutter,
gutturally ambivalent
to the last.)

How, I ask you,
does a freelance window
take to all these argon-filled
triple-glazed cowboys
with their laser diamond
computer undercuts
and their fancy etched
and shatterproof
shapeshifting systems
providing poor man’s crystal
in a new world?

There can be little creative joy
and no job security
in being a draughty old sash
or a flaking casement.
Only a matter of time
before the cut-rate cut-glass
cold-calling corporations
blue chip
and tip you
into the skip.



















Someone singing of fruit
in a fine tenor
pushed his finger against my abdomen.
My lightly downed flesh dimpled
into a pearly crater
slightly puckered at the edges,
blood vessels appearing through
its growing translucent glow
as he pressed harder and harder
till the overstretched membrane
which contains me, my skin
broke into petals of tissue
and the forefinger entered
the remarkable coiled lengths
of my great intestine.

The cream coloured tiles we put in
together some months ago
now protected my walls,
so that his untrimmed and rather dirty fingernail
scraped harmlessly against
a cool ceramic Spanish glaze
grouted in pale blue.

I tensed my lower stomach muscles
to prevent his entire hand and arm
and shoulder from forcing through,
then applied a quick gel-pack
second tissue dressing
which welded the bole of his trunk
roundly into the regular
and unhurried swell of my breathing.

He’s left with one lone digit
stalled in a flailing motion
like a lobster claw outside the creel,
when the whole crustacean creation
is inside trapped for dinner
and waiting to be boiled alive.

He is, apart from one small part of him,
locked out in the world’s food chain
and no doubt the chef will be along any day
with a very large pot.

Meanwhile his forefinger remains embedded.
It will be all thats left of him soon.
Though in a sensationally indulgent position,
it has no escape from its escape
and is rendered hygienic and harmless
by our nestbuilding instinct
and DIY forethought.




















A very fat and grinning man
came down the giant flume.
They should have
built a plunge pool
with a bit of extra room…..
everyone laughed
for the tidal wave he caused
washed away all tides forever
and waterlogged the moon

As a result
fluming will soon be an official Olympic Sport….
he who wins
is he who grins
and displaces
most liquid.

Even now in Eastern Europe
they’re fattening themselves up
and polishing
their teeth.



















Why do you dive off
seacliffs on dark stormy nights
when you’re tired and emotional
and can’t see the trees for the wood?
Is it some deep-down
death-by-drowning wish?

If I wanted to drown I could.
I just like the feel of cold black water
curling round my nose.
I suppose
I’m a funny fish.
















As they cut the pinstripe suit from my broken body
they caught a brief blood-drenched glimpse of
of finelace underwear.
Under the ground such secrets pale
into light starved insignificance
and when the living
change  their black suits for casuals,
their shone shoes for trainers
and walk back to their living rooms
a fringed  filigree of stitchwork and gauze
shrouds the damp darkness of the dead
I thought this gravely as they zipped up
the body bag
I had finally made it
to finelace



















There’s too much oestrogen
in the water.
That’s why I’ve fathered
twenty daughters
and now I’m growing breasts.

It’s good news for the ambivalent amongst us
(I’ve bought my very first dress)
but I don’t know about the rest

of history



















Feet of Strength

walking for miles
the late night street
where the tired go
no one knows
where the door is
till we get there
when we do
she’s with us
keen to sit
in the room we fill,
a female
female as they come
fancy her
always have
always will
but no seduction skills
just liquid courage
and libido
her boots and socks
to one side
like a statement
of intent
Is that what is meant?

Michael’s there,
his work this
young booty
in his care
but I’m assessing
her fine toes
and prepossessing
and guessing enough
to take one small step
for this mankind.
I’m selfish
I suppose I want her
to be mine.

I try a little move
I feel her feet
with my soul
in my fingertips
so delicate
so sexual
this fetishistic touch
and she doesn’t withdraw them
I am answered this much.

There’s a tension
in the hot unspoken air
seems he’s losing her
soon as he’s found her
and its not just one foot
its a pair
after all those hard
highbooted marches
she needs Dr. Scholls
if anything at all,
I feel
her heel,
Achilles tendon and all,
massage her arches
and slowly move around
to caress the soft parts

Then he breaks it up,
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
he blows the words like hailstones
through his teeth
the voice slices
in its iciness

though the answer’s yes
our warmth
and closeness
are completely shaken

these insteps are



















Your Father
which art in Heaven
fought mine.
They were down in the mud
with blades, hand to hand
gouging each other
not for hatred
but for survival.

My Father Killed
Your Father
Hallowed be his name.

Like you I am as meek
as any of the Blessed
and we gaze at each others eyes
not wishing to gouge them.
We make love in the mud
rather than fight.

But somehow Our Fathers
are forever and ever…….
or at least
a good while yet.















Father and Son

Some years after the war
you started to raise me
and I inexorably became
your new enemy.

Perhaps all sons
are their fathers’
worst nightmares
I wouldn’t know,
I have no sons
and am glad of it.
I do know that the only rehearsal
for parenthood
is childhood
and perspective changes
with height.

The new war lasted 30 years
and this time you were
in the logistics corps
You brought supplies
I took them but was training
as a double agent

Then I became my own revolutionary hero
complete with beret and beard
living naively in the hills
feeding from the land
coming down for the odd skirmish
then mountain retreating into
a confused hedonism
as I searched for my ethics.
I took a small serious part of you
and threw the rest away.

These were the seventies,
a time when watches were discarded
then re-invented digitally
only to be replaced again by hands.
We couldn’t get away from time
or history, but we tried.
There were only two sides in that war.
One side, the pioneers, mistook individuality
for purpose,
The other side, the long-settled mistook purpose
for right.

Pioneers always make mistakes

The best ones learn from them
and form a system.
The long-settled always make mistakes
because they have a system
and cannot see their weaknesses through it.
They are the same thing
and so they fight.

And we fought on different sides inevitably…..

Why does your modern son’s life
have to move so fast,
change come so quickly?
I should tell you
the boys who could be my sons now
but are not
move faster still.
We cannot stop this spinning career
towards the psychiatrist
the alternative therapist
the bottle
the needle
the battered parent
the bruised child,
the raging motorist
shooting a stranger
at the traffic lights.
Time goes quicker
and fills up
and clogs
the more we expedite things.

My mother believed in making the time
to make it right.
but with a wild and undisciplined passion
rose to the highest rank
refuting all the humbug
that precision means prowess.

In the 5th year of the campaign
you felt some difficulty
about taking orders from this field marshall
this experienced fighting woman
with a short temper and a great deal of vision.
The old battleaxe you called her, with a twinkle.
How I wish I’d taken your magnanimity
towards senior officers
as part of my legacy,
but of course I didn’t
for I was always in love
with one or other of them.
Didn’t know I was going to need a safety valve later
and for all I know your good humour
was just a front of placidity anyway.
You soon adapted to your own
little mutinous grumblings
for like me
you were in love.

They’re over now, those wars.
I’ve declared armistices
and buried my Kalashnikoff,
but I cried years of soul-shaking tears
doing it

You’ve buried your old battleaxe
in cold ground, remembering red hot love,
and are left with me,
some strange passionate thing of flesh
that you and she made together
not thinking of war.

When mother died
you removed all the pot plants
from the house
and became obsessed
with TV tag wrestling
and clearing bits of fluff
off the carpet
It was a vast impenetrable grief
I could not share with you.
Condolences for old enemies
are not easy even if truces are signed.
There’s so little in common
apart from the mirrors
of our bleak entrenched memories
and the common view of no man’s land.
My mother along the way
had hung up her chestful of medals
to become that no man’s land between us,
the woman we had in common,
the woman we shared often bitterly.

I felt release with her gone,
at last the pressure off,
for me there was no suddenly empty bed
no void in the living room,
no new silence in the kitchen like a fall of snow.
And I had my prime before me,
hair cut short for the eighties,
free enterprise, my beret gathering dust
in the cupboard.
A new order upon us of tension
and stress
and pension
and death.

I had never been to a funeral.

By way of pathetically imparting comfort
I introduced the concept of
drinking brandy
and you took to it….
not in a big way
like yours truly,
Mr. Guerilla excess-in-everything,
but in a moderate
considered way, and it pleased me
that perhaps it let you feel
the rest of your life a little
as well as that heart of it
cut right out
at the base….
such a sudden skillful cut…..
….it only takes seconds with a sharp knife
in the right hands
to remove most of two people….

I would ask you,
though I suspect I’m beginning to know,
What’s it like having another person
etched into you
illustrating you?
Another being
as the statement of you?
Where had my father gone
eight years before my birth?

One day I came in and
there was a stranger
sitting there
in your leather armchair
I didn’t recognise…
I concluded it must be
a man gone off archtypically hunting….
a hunter home from the hill
before he fathered me..
Small wonder I couldn’t know him.
Small wonder I once even questioned
where I came from.

When you buried your old battleaxe
I think your personality returned
from 38 years of exile.
What a changed place
your body must have been to live in,
What wonderful and disturbing things had happened there….
all those children and grandchildren!
Did you have a hand in all that?

And being so used to
that body’s endless strength…
when it started failing
to run up mountains
what strange new power

You found a new wife
but there could never be another field marshall
and you were now too grown up to take orders.

This time you held on
to a little part of yourself
and offered the rest
to be transformed and moulded
in the great and painful tectonic settling
of compromise
upon companionship.

We are Father and Son.
We can heap more blame
more anger
more pride
more praise on each other
than anyone else comes near.

I call it blood love
not a love of blood
and though I came from a battling
I thirst for peace
and am a heavy drinker
when I find it.

I will bury your old frail body one day.
When I do
I’ll remember being carried
high high on its strong shoulders
a little glimpse of the perspective
to come
for a tiny timid
blonde creature
who didn’t know what was coming
but who knew your physicality as one thing
that would always be there.

























End of a Career

Artichoke season’s over
says my wife,
oranges are sour, lemons waxed, leeks poor
and potatoes are blighted I fear
the only eggplants I saw were scruffy
those starfruits I bought yesterday
have gone puffy
and the peas are so late this year
lady’s fingers and kohl-rabi are hard to find
chilli peppers are too dear
beetroot gives you a crimson stool
our urine stinks
when we eat asparagus spears
we can’t afford organic rambutans
now at last they’re here
and I’ve overcooked the corncobs.
Its the end of my career

I tell the silly old dear
there’s more
to this meloncauli life
than fruit and veg.






















Saving the Planet

cut down
the cutting down
of rainforest
your bicycles
bury the fossil fuel idea
deep underground
make free ozone zones
in the greenhouse
take acid in the rain























It had not been an unqualified
success, the holiday…. he dignified
himself by intelligently appraising
the night air of this fact.

They had not been getting on too well,
various attempts at diplomacy and tact,
bludgeoning of brains
and smacking of bottoms,
and dealing
had foundered,
left them racked
on their own vile
unstoppable machine
producing hurt
and healing
and hurting

Two titans of tension
and gladiatorial tenacity
slugged it out
in their own sluggish pit
of different logic
and different feeling,
they were reeling with it
unable to turn
even if there’d been
a recognised bearing,
their magnetic senses
and sensitivities
hopelessly scattered…..

then there was an earthquake

and suddenly they both knew
what really























Are you gonny have
a talk to mummy,
give her a drinka wine?






















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